Drug Dispensing Service

Mylotarg® ( Gemtuzumab ozogamicin )

Program commencement date

March 7, 2022


Program features:

To alleviate financial burden from one-off medication payment, eligible patients are entitled to the option of 18-month medication payment installment with designated credit cards.

This program subsidies first and maximum 3 Mylotarg® injections only.


Application criteria 

1. Patients of any public hospitals of Hospital Authority in Hong Kong with valid HKID card

2. Being prescribed with Mylotarg® , and have self-financed prescription, invoice and receipt issued by Hospital Authority hospital

3. Meet the medical conditions specified by this program

4. Holder of designated HSBC or Standard Chartered Bank Visa or Mastercard credit card, and with sufficient credit limit for 18-months instalment


For the details and the application procedures of the program, please contact SafeMed Dispensary (Tel: 2979 0380).